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İnce ve Derin Çizgiler

Thin and Deep Lines

Thin lines are generally develop at 30s and become more distinct at 40s. Alongside common forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, bunny lines and nasolabial folds, other thin and deep lines may also cause discomfort.

There are 4 main reasons of thin and deep lines:

UV exposure- Ultraviolet radiation speeds up aging process and is the major cause of early wrinkling. UV light decomposes your connective tissue – collagen and elastin fibers – within the deeper layers of your skin and leads to wrinkles.

Genetic aging- Skin aging is an inevitable and natural process. With natural aging process, your skin produces less collagen and elastin protein as the time passes. This makes your skin thinner and less resistant to damage.

Repeated moves- It’s believed that contraction of facial muscles at the forehead, between brows (frown lines) and crow’s feet, takes part in wrinkle development. Smiling, frowning, squinting the eyes and other habitual facial expressions make these wrinkles to become more distinct. In time, these expressions contribute to the formation of these wrinkles.
Environmental factors- Smoking, exposure to pollution and high stress levels may contribute to the formation of lines and wrinkles. A healthy skin continuously renews itself and produces new collagens, it has been found out that smoking causes a significant reduction in new collagen production. Reduced collagen causes wrinkles to develop. Pollution causes free radical damage on the skin and this leads to skin aging and cellular damage and contribute to the wrinkle formation. Stress may cause wrinkle formation because high amounts of cortisol stress hormone, may decompose skin’s collagen and elastin. This leads to a loss of elasticity which may contribute to the wrinkle formation. Stress also may cause your brows to be frowned again and again and this may also contribute to the wrinkle formation.

Different treatments are be applied for thin and deep lines according to their places on the skin and characteristics .



Botulinum toxin, also known as botox, is used to treat a wide variety of conditions. It works by temporarily blocking the connection between nerves and muscles, so it can effectively treat fine lines by relaxing the muscles, softening the visible lines.


Dermal fillers can be used to remove deep lines. Hyaluronic acid fillers work by creating volume and moisture in the skin to smooth out deep wrinkles. The treatment is done with numbing cream and the results are effective and long lasting.
Boyun Estetiği (Venüs Boynu)

Neck Aesthetics

In Venus Neck application, effective results are achieved in individuals with excessively dehydrated skin, loss of skin laxity and poor skin formation. It can be used in stretch marks and hands as well as knees and other areas of the body.
DNA Işıltısı

DNA Glow

While wrinkles and moisture loss can be recovered with DNA Glow method, a firmer look is achieved on the skin. With DNA Glow, skin will get both a healthier and a firmer state; skin will become younger microscopically.


Useful ingredients are injected into your skin with mesotherapy. The purpose is to help getting a younger and brighter skin. It's an effective way of having a brighter and healthier looking skin that makes you feel vivid and fresh.
Ameliyatsız Göz Kapağı Estetiği (Plexr®)


Thanks to the plasma applied in the plexr treatment, skin fibers tightens and results in skin smoothening and a decrease in the distinctness of lines and wrinkles. It's non-invasive, safe and suitable for all skin types.
Saten Cilt Uygulaması

Satin Skin

Satin Skin Application is a cosmetic filler material that renews the lost collagen in the skin, fixes the look of lines and wrinkles on the skin and provides a significant recovery.

All developed to eliminate thin and deep lines and have a young skin, you can have a pre-appointment with our clinic to learn which one of these treatments is right for you.