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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.
Neck is the first place of the body that shows signs of aging and cannot be protected with excercise or cosmetics. Neck skin is very sensitive, loses its’ elasticity depending on exposure to sun and your posture or sleeping position and rapidly reacts to gravity. As a result, many people at their 28-30 become prone to horizontal lines at their necks, also know as the “rings of Venus”. Sometimes the rings become noticeable earlier at twenties because of genetic susceptibility.
With the cross-link hyaluronic acid compounded 2.2% Xela Rederm injected in Venus Neck application which’s applied to repair mid and deep wrinkles, people with overly dehydrated skin, loss of skin laxity and poor skin structure, get effective results. It may also be used for cracks or stretch marks, knees and other areas of skin.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) in Xela Rederm 2.2 with two active compunds, regains the water balance in skin and retains its’ moist, succinic acid stimulates protein production with collagen and elastin at first, neutralizes free radicals and optimizes cell metabolism and improves cell recovery. Succinic acid also functions as a buffer for HA and helps to retain and carry it in the skin for a longer time. Both substances naturally exist in human body tissue and are safe and effective at anti-aging processes.
It’s preferred to moisturize the skin, stimulate collagen and elastin and also improve pigmentation and skin tissue and tone.
Hyaluronic acid is metabolized naturally by body in time so it's temporary. Changes in skin tissue and collagen and elastin production which's increased with the treatment, are effective against aging process. Results of toned, healthy looking skin full of moisture may be seen and felt from the very first treatment. Its' effect lasts for 6 to 9 months and at that point retreatment cycle is recommended.
Swell, redness, itch, pain or empurpling may be seen on injection places. Side effects fades away ina short span of time.
With my clinical experience of over 15 years and my professional team, I offer you the skin health solutions and medical support that you need the most.
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