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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.
Psoriasis is a common disease all over the world; genetic and environmental factors affects its’ frequency. Susceptibility may be inherited from parents to the kid but there may be no disease in the kid. It shows up in one or two out of every 100 individuals. It’s equally frequent in men and women. It usually begins by the age of 15-30.
Its’ reason is not exactly known; it’s thought that immune system, genetic and environmental factors are effective. Environmental factors (streptococcal throat infections, medications [cortisone, lithium, some blood pressure medicines, aspirin etc.], excess alcohol consumption, smoking, itching, harsh bath gloving, sun burn etc.) and mental stress may initiate or exacerbate the disease.
There’s not a definite cure for the disease. But it can be taken under control with a suitable treatment and a long-term welfare can be ensured. Physician, patient and patient relatives must be in cooperation in the treatment. Medications and behaviors (itching, washclothing, bath gloving etc.) that may exacerbate the disease must be avoided. Local treatments (medicines that remove dandrufss on the skin surface, cortisone creams, anthralin, calcipotriol [synthetic vitamin D], calcineurin inhibitors) are chosen primarily in psoriasis with limited involvement. These methods can be used in combination. Cyclosporin-A, acitretin (synthetic vitamin A) and phototherapy are used in stubborn, widespread disease. If there’s no response to these, biological agents (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, ustekinumab etc.) may be preferred. Numerous factors are in effect while choosing and during the therapy (prevalence, localization of the disease, nail and joint involvement etc.). For the success of treatment, patients’ compliance to the treatment of choice is as important as dermatologists’ knowledge and experience on the disease.
With inflammations and well-being periods, it’s generally long. Symptoms and severity of the disease may vary from person to person and even in the same person from time to time.
No, eruptions and flakes seen with psoriasis are not contagious.
With my clinical experience of over 15 years and my professional team, I offer you the skin health solutions and medical support that you need the most.
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