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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.

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Cilt Gençleştirme & Sıkılaştırma

Skin Rejuvenation & Tightening

Esneklik ve Parlaklık

Elasticity and Brightness

Geniş Gözenekler ve Siyah Noktalar

Large Pores and Blackheads

İnce ve Derin Çizgiler

Thin and Deep Lines



Saç Dökülmesi

Hair Loss

Yara İzleri ve Lekeler

Scars and Blemishes

Yüz Şekillendirme

Face Forming

Yüzde Sarkma ve Yerçekimi Etkisi

Sagging Face and Gravity Effect