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Burun Kaldırma Dolgusu

You Can Have The Nose of Your Dreams Without Surgery!

Hyaluronic acid filler used in facial rejuvenation and non-surgical face aesthetics for many years, are safely applied to eliminate curvatures and asymmetries in the nose and lift the nasal tip.

In which cases is nose filler made?

It’s used in eliminating the curvature and asymmetryin on the nasal bridge, holow, asymmetry and nasal tip prolapse occuring after a nose job, modifying or completely eliminating the roman nose look. In addition, you will have a natural look by lifting the nasal tip with nose filler.

Will there be pain in nose filler application?

The pain is minimized with topical anaesthetic cream application before the process.

How long does nose filling application take?

Process takes an average of 15-20 minutes. It’s possible to get back to daily life right after the process.

Burun Dolgusu

How much permanent is nose filler?

Its’ permanency maintains an average of 6-18 months depending on the filler material, amount used individual’s physiology.

What's the price of nose filler?

Application prices vary depending on the process to be applied to you and the needs of your skin. A more appropriate price information is offered to you after your doctor negotiates with you and further understands your need.

Return to our Fillers page to learn about other filler applications.

Contact us for a pre-appointment!